Corona Virus Immigration update
The coronavirus has taken the world hostage as people die and contract the illness governments are forced to close borders and delay immigration processes. Where do you stand as a [...]
How to assimilate for new US citizens
Where do you start? Breath in, Breath out. That was step one, we are alive and well, the most important part of this process. Are you nervous or did you [...]
USCIS Announces Changes to Naturalization Test
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently announced on May 3rd, 2019 in an official memorandum that the Naturalization Civics Test will have an upcoming revision. The last one [...]
What do I do after becoming a US Citizen?
Well, you have made it. It wasn’t an easy journey, but it was sure worth the battle. You have been given one of the biggest gifts in the world. What [...]
A Test For (Future and Current) US Citizenship
The American Dream is an ambition that many people born outside the U.S share. It's a country full of opportunities where you can shape your future, receive aid if you [...]